Kuna Tehnologije j.d.o.o.

Izrada web stranica, SEO optimizacija i internet oglašavanje
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1 ocjena za tvrtku Kuna Tehnologije j.d.o.o.


Tomislav D. D. D. P., prije 8 mjeseci

Sve je odrađeno profesionalno. Majstor je prilagodljiv i brz, za svaku preporuku.

Usluge: Izrada web trgovine, Izrada internet stranica, Izrada web shopa, Izrada web stranica, Dizajn web stranice

Drugi izvođači u blizini mjesta Jasenice

Druge usluge u Obrovcu i okolici

Nedavni upiti

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Novootvorena firma koja se bavi knjigovodstvom, administrativnim poslovima te poslovnim savjetovanjem. Trebam stranicu koja ima 5 taba ( Naslovna, O nama, usluge, novosti,kontakt). Za "usluge" i "novosti" da bude padajuci izbornik. U "novosti" da mogu sama nadopisivati članke koje cu pisati na pojedine teme. Molim ponudu za stranicu sa i bez mogucnosti da sama upisujem nove clanke. U verziji bez te mogucnosti ne bi bilo taba "novosti".

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Centar s programima za edukaciju i osobni razvoj djece, mladih i odraslih u vodstvu odgojitelja te psihologa. Edukativni programi: vještine čitanja i jezično stvaralaštvo, likovni program, program s naglaskom na kritičko mišljenje, priprema predškolaraca za polazak u školu, pomoć u učenju za djecu od 1. do 4. razreda OŠ. Radionice i predavanja usmjerena na osobni razvoj: Radionice za djecu Radionice za tinejđere Radionice za obitelj (roditelji + dijete) Predavanja psihologa za sve zainteresirane za određenu, unaprijed najavljenu temu Web stranica bi trebala imati popis i opis programa te mogućnost prijave na iste.

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Ostalo

Web stranica je neprofitabilna i služi za promicanje Radioamaterstva,Sustava veza u kriznim situacijama(SRVKS-prirodne katastrofe,prometne nesreće,poplave,potresi,izgubljene osobe,itd),promicanje TEHNIČKE KULTURE MLADIH,elektr.sklopovi radioamatera,izrada antenskih sklopova,digitalne veze u radioamaterstvu.

Web shop

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web shopa
  • Broj različitih proizvoda u web shopu: 50 - 200

Radim unikatnu keramiku, trenutno suvenire za Vis i puno imam morskih motiva.. Radim za štand prodaju preko ljeta .Medjuti radim i ogrlice i nakit i posudice i mnogo toga i za web prodaju moralq bih peipremiti malo skladište koje prodajem u web shopu pošto su to sve unikati.Htjela bih da sama mogu mijenjati proizvode u ponudi za prodaju u polja i micatu ono što više nije u ponudi.. Konkretno htjela bih imati online Shop…Moj idol je Ethnasija

Web shop

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web shopa
  • Broj različitih proizvoda u web shopu: više od 200

Postovanje, saljem vam projekt. Moje ime je I cilj mi je naci suradnika koj bi se upustio u ovu Aventura samnom. ljubazno ocekujem odgovor. Unaprijed Zahvalan. Project Overview Our objective is to create an auction-based exchange website that allows buyers to make offers on items without the seller setting a specific price. The auction system should be non-exponential, with dynamic pricing based on demand. The seller should be able to accept or reject the offer, and the auction should not have a time limit. The website should also include a secure payment and delivery process and a feedback system for buyers and sellers. Project Goals • Allow sellers to list items for sale without setting a price. • Create an auction system with dynamic pricing based on demand. • Enable buyers to make offers on items without any obligation to purchase. • Give sellers the ability to accept or reject offers. • Facilitate secure payment and delivery. • Provide a feedback system for buyers and sellers. Target Audience The target audience for the website is anyone who wants to buy or sell items in an auction-style format. The website will be designed to be user-friendly and accessible to people of all ages and technical abilities. Features • User account creation and management • Item listing with title, description, and images • Auction system with manual bidding and no time limit • Dynamic pricing system based on demand • Secure payment gateway integration • Shipping and delivery management • Feedback system for buyers and sellers • Search and filter functionality for items • Notifications for bids, offers, and acceptances • User profile pages with purchase and sale history Technology Stack The website will be developed using the following technologies: • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js • Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB • Payment gateway: Stripe • Hosting: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Project Timeline The project will be divided into the following stages: • Planning and requirements gathering (2 weeks) • Website design and development (8 weeks) • Testing and quality assurance (2 weeks) • Launch and deployment (1 week) The total project timeline is expected to be 13 weeks. Conclusion This project aims to create an auction-based exchange website that allows buyers to make offers on items without the seller setting a specific price. The website will include a secure payment and delivery process, as well as a feedback system for buyers and sellers. The target audience is anyone who wants to buy or sell items in an auction-style format. The website will be developed using a technology stack that includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Stripe, and AWS. The project timeline CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This Confidentiality Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between DSDxchange and ____Idea.hr_______ ("Recipient"). • Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect the confidential and proprietary information of DSDxchange. • Definition of Confidential Information. "Confidential Information" means all information provided by DSDxchange to Recipient in connection with the business of DSDxchange, including, but not limited to, all information contained in any documents, reports, analyses, business plans, financial statements, computer programs, customer lists, and other documents or materials. • Non-Disclosure. Recipient agrees that it will not disclose any Confidential Information to any third party, except to the extent that such disclosure is required by law, court order or regulatory authority. Recipient will take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information. • Use of Confidential Information. Recipient agrees that it will use the Confidential Information only for the purpose of evaluating a potential business relationship with DSDxchange. Recipient shall not use the Confidential Information for any other purpose, including but not limited to, the development, production or marketing of any products or services, without the express written consent of DSDxchange. • Return of Confidential Information. Upon written request from DSDxchange, or upon the termination of this Agreement, Recipient will return all Confidential Information to DSDxchange, including all copies, notes or summaries of any Confidential Information. • Ownership of Confidential Information. The Confidential Information is and shall remain the property of DSDxchange. No license or rights in any Confidential Information are granted to Recipient under this Agreement, except for the limited purpose of evaluating a potential business relationship with DSDxchange. • Remedies. Recipient acknowledges that any breach of this Agreement may cause irreparable harm to DSDxchange, for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy, and therefore, DSDxchange shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Agreement. • Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ________, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions. • Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between DSDxchange and Recipient with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written agreements, representations, and warranties. • Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Confidentiality Agreement as of the date first written above DSDxchange: By: ___ ________ Name: _____________________ Title: ______________________ Recipient: By: _______________________ Name: _____________________

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Potrebna nam je web stranica za pilates studio. Napravili smo jednu bazicnu preko wixa, ali se to pokazalo kao jako loše riješenje. Stranica bi trebala biti na dva jezika i da ju ( nekako ) možemo i sami mijenjati ( npr slike ) i objavljivati blog . Od stranica bi trebali imati rubrike - naslovnica - o nama - reformeri -raspored - cjenik i pravilnik - kontakt i adresa Stranica bi nam trebala pomoci da postanemo vidljivi i na google tražilici

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Osnovala bih Udrugu " zmaj", koja bi se bavila pitanjima i odgovorimana prava majki i djece u Hrvatskoj, tu bi bila sveobuhvatna populacija (od djece s poteskocama u razvoju, do maki koje su u "nezavidnim" situacijama, pomoc od probono odvjetnistva, suradna s drugim Udrugama slicnih interesa.. Takoder i mogucnost sufinancirana od strane evropskih fondova, razvijanje, otvorenosti i pristupacnosti drustva za rjesavanje problema.

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Poštovani, Mi smo novoosnovana tvrtka za nabavu i prodaju auto dijelova. Za početak nam je potrebna jednostavna web stranica koju bi kasnije dorađivali u koliko budemo dobro poslovali. Primjer stranice, boja i rasporeda možete pogledati ovdje.. https://www.svedoo.hr/index.html Molim Vas za neku okvirnu cijenu. Hvala. Lijep pozdrav,

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Molio bi Vas za okvirnu cijenu izrade web stranice i malog web shopa te održavanje facebook i instagram stranice. Ukratko, bavim se groomingom (šišanje i njega pasa, uglavnom manjih pasmina, no nije bitno 😀) Osim osnovnih informacija o meni, salonu i kako sam uopće počeo želio bih imati navedene sve usluge koje nudim, galeriju fotkica i mali web shop (prodaja suplemenata za pse i preparata za njegu).

Web stranica

  • Želim ponudu za: Izrada web stranice
  • Vrsta stranice?: Stranica tvrtke ili organizacije

Potrebna je izrada web stranice koja bi obuhvatila sve relevantne podatke vezano za matični tvrtku ( d.o.o. Krško i podružnicu, d.o.o. - podružnica ). Stranica treba da bude na hrvatskom, slovenskom, engleskom jeziku. Potrebno je da sadržava opće podatke, opseg usluge koje pružamo, reference, fotogaleriju. Potrebno je da bude editabilna (da po potrebi možemo dodavati/ažurirati sadržaj). Potrebno je da bude vidljiva na tražilicama. Potrebno osigurati hosting i održavanje stranice.