Goli zidovi vape za uredjenjem
Pozdrav, trebala bih izračun za kompletnu adpataciju stana 30m2 . U stanu ima instalacija struje i voda jedan odvod. Sve treba napraviti i u tom prostoru napraviti kuponicu koja trenutno ne postoji. Slike u prilogu. Znaci sve, zidovi, podovi, kuponica ,kuhinja, spustanje stropova, prozori.lp
Potpuna restauraciji stave od poda do stropa stan nije dirran 40godina
Skinuti staru šindru staviti novu foliju i zaljepiti novu šindru
Dear Sir or Madam, unfortunately, for the fourth time we have problems with our roof in terms of tightness. Upstairs in the house we have moisture on the ceilings and on the walls in the area of the baseboards. The last time the roof was replaced was a one year ago. It is a very special roof, as you can see in the attachment. From our point of view, the biggest problem are the metal sheets on the outer edges. These are not curved, so that the water remains standing and can enter the interior of the house through screw connections, etc. We would like to replace the sheets with curved sheets and the holes shouldn't occur on the surface. Do you have any ideas on how to implement this? Do you see any other weak spots on the roof? Looking forward hearing from you. Best regards Laura Joseph
tražim majstora za sanaciju zidova, struje i podnih obloga za stan u veličini 60 m2.
Skidanje starog limenog krova, zamjena dotrajalih drvenih letvi, pokrivanje krova limenim valovitim pločama, izrada opšava na svjetlarniku i 4 dimnjaka!